How to Select a Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer

If you are involved in a tractor trailer accident, you need to know your rights and what your next steps should be. You may be wondering how to collect compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. A qualified attorney can answer these questions and more. Here are a few of the things to keep in mind when hiring a tractor trailer accident attorney. Keep reading to learn more about the legal process for these accidents. After all, you do not want to have to go through this alone.
Contingency fee for a tractor trailer accident lawyer
When selecting a tractor trailer accident lawyer, look for one who offers a contingency fee. These attorneys are generally more willing to take on cases like yours, and you do not have to worry about paying their fees if your case fails to reach a settlement. While an hourly rate is a good option for some attorneys, you may want to seek a contingency fee for trucking cases.
When hiring a truck accident lawyer, you should make sure to ask about their experience. Experienced truck accident attorneys will have knowledge of specifics that will help determine whether you have a case worth fighting for. They will work to maximize your compensation, so you are able to get your full recovery. For example, a good truck accident lawyer will know which companies are more likely to settle. They will also know which companies will cooperate in settlement negotiations.
Investigation after a collision
A professional truck accident investigation will focus on gathering evidence and interviewing crash victims. Investigation will involve the collection of photographs and videos of the accident scene. Experts may be needed for certain aspects of the case, such as a black box consultant who can analyze the truck’s mechanical condition. The investigation will also look into the accident and occupant kinematics and safety systems to determine fault. Interviews with crash victims will help strengthen the case.
The police and the trucking company will send accident reconstruction experts to the scene of the accident. They will take photos of the scene and the vehicles involved to determine whether speeding, tailgating, or failure to yield the right of way were factors in the wreck. The police and investigators will also examine the cab of each truck to determine if any of the drivers were acting negligently. They will also take measurements with electronic surveying equipment to determine how the truck was damaged.
Investigating all legally responsible parties
Truck accidents can be very complex and require investigations of all parties involved. Law enforcement agencies, insurance agents, and even victims’ legal representatives may be involved in the process. Accident investigators will look at the truck driver’s condition and any violations of federal hours of service regulations. This investigation may include logbook entries, weight tickets, hotel receipts, driver qualification files, and post-accident drug or alcohol tests.
In addition to the truck driver, the owner-operator of the truck, the trucking company, and the mechanic or service provider of the truck are often responsible. Negligent maintenance can lead to accidents, so the owner-operator and the trucking company may be liable. If the driver’s truck had mechanical problems, the mechanic or repair provider of the truck could also be held responsible.
Medical records of a tractor trailer accident lawyer
The health information portability and accountability act (HIPAA) protects the privacy of medical records. The law grants a patient the right to receive copies of their medical records from any provider they wish. With your consent, your attorney can obtain your medical records for use in a personal injury case. Your attorney will also be able to determine the value of your claim and develop strategies to counteract any claims filed against you.